Yoga Program

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  • Online Free Yoga for Children and Youth

    (Supported by Red Cross Of Canada)


    Online Yoga for Students

    Study Circle’ s customized Online Yoga program1 not only helps students stay healthy and fit, but also enhances their mental abilities and help increase their focus. The program is developed by Study Circle teachers and staff, working with an expert yoga practitioner, with over 20 years of experience.

    In the past, we have been delivering these sessions in-class for the last few years; these sessions were very popular and successful not only with the students but also among the parents. At the sessions students learn the Yoga postures and also the key messages are reinforced like healthy living, healthy eating, and balanced life style. Now we have transformed these in class yoga sessions to online format with the support of Red Cross of Canada.

    Yoga is an ancient exercise system which keeps our body and brain in healthy state. It can be classified in two categories Asans (or postures) and Pranayama (breathing exercises). Each of our session started with breathing exercise, follows with key Asans that are especially important for children and youth. The program ends with tips on Health and eating habits to educate the students.

    Quick Outline of the program:

    • Safety Warning: While our yoga sessions are designed to be fully safe and healing for our students. Safety and wellbeing is utmost important to us. Please do not stress your body and follow the Breathing and Asana safely and without distressing your body.
    • Announcement: Our session will be recorded and will be later available on our website for your future reference
    • Starts with Breathing Exercises and Quick Warm-up exercises
    • Core Asnas/Postures
    • Cooling down Asnas
    • Tips and chat with students

    Now Study Circle delivers these free customised yoga sessions program online; where the instructor introduces the Yoga concepts and also demonstrates the right way to perform the Yoga exercises. Also health and nutritious eating concepts and ideas are shared.

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Study Circle Offering Summer Camp 2024 at Divine Mercy Elementary School.