Linking Seniors with Children and Youth

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    The program connects our seniors with children and youth. The program conducted by our senior volunteers aims at building the character and pass on the life learning lessons through story telling approach. In these interactive sessions children and youth are exposed to the life stories from history, great leaders/gurus, religion and old scriptures. These sessions are conducted over the weekends and typically scheduled at the end of the academic sessions. For more information, please contact Study Circle staff.

    • Yoga and Meditation Program for Seniors – This hybrid program (available both virtually and online) provided Yoga and Meditation sessions to community seniors. There were 8 sessions delivered during June and July to over 20 seniors.
    • We are happy to announce that with the support of New Horizons for Seniors (a program of the Govt. of Canada), we will be reviving the Linking Seniors with Children and Youth program. The program will be now available online and will be delivered each Saturday. For more information, please contact – [email protected]
    • In addition, we will be delivering special sessions for our community seniors on Fraud Awareness and Tools to Protect, Financial Awareness including benefits and resources available to seniors, Tax Filing, and Yoga and Nutrition. For more information on the sessions and registration, please contact – [email protected]

    If you are a senior looking for volunteering with Study Circle, please email at [email protected]

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Study Circle Offering Summer Camp 2024 at Divine Mercy Elementary School.